Miss M returns - Inspiring us all!

This was my 2nd session. I decided to do another because besides being in a wheelchair, I recently had a colostomy surgery. It's hard to feel sexy about yourself when you have a bag of poop hanging from your stomach. I decided to also go nude in some of my pictures. This was a huge step for me so I was quite nervous. Lacey was phenomenal in doing my hair and makeup and always knows how to calm the nerves. Once I started my photo session, I felt my nerves subside. I really wanted to do the Angel Wings too but was worried how with my wheelchair. Shalista had it all covered. Not only did we get great shots of the wings in my chair but she also helped me on and off the floor so I could lay on the wings. WOW WOW WOW I was speechless when I saw the wing pictures. They were so beautiful and I just cried happy tears. It was seriously one of the most amazing times I've ever had. I was not embarrassed at all by my colostomy bag showing because that is now a forever part of me. Shalista, you are seriously the most amazing photographer I've ever met and I'm lucky to now call you a friend!! Thank you for everything you do for everyone daily!!!


Miss T - The hardest secret to keep!


2018 Holiday Boudoir - Dec 7 & 8